It's time to
put the joy
back in your destination

83% of travelers consider shopping key to their stay. Give guests the in‑destination shopping platform where they enjoy your destination with peace of mind.

Get started today

 Gen-Z shopping    Personal service

Why nJoy your hospitality?

We keep hospitality personal.

nJoy adds a personal live-chat shopping amenity to your guest offering, so guests can shop in-destination, with peace of mind, while you maintain the highest levels of personal service.

Whether embedded seamlessly in your own app, or delivered as a stand alone app, nJoy offers your guests a safe in-destination experience that compliments your safe hotel experience.

Give guests the ability to shop enjoyably in your destination right on their phones.

Guests engage your preferred vendors conversationally, for the highest levels of personal service.

Provide personalized shopping and entertainment experiences tailored for each guest's comfort.

Stand out throughout the booking journey by showing you're taking care of a guest's entire stay.

Discover how nJoy works for

Put your destination safely in hand

Grow guest engagement with a mobile shopping amenity that enables guests to enjoy shopping personally and enjoyably.

The nJoy concierge module has all the tools you need for your concierge services to provide guest support when needed, whether to assist with discovery or arrange delivery.


"New customers discover our store, engage us personally through nJoy live‑chat shopping, and then enjoy purchasing right in the conversation.

Christine Moon

Creative Director, PERI.A

For your hotel:

Where to

Connect guests comfortably

with in-destination experiences

they can acquire enjoyably

on their mobile device

For your destination:

Where to

Support visitors

throughout their customer journey

with the personal touch that

builds demand for travel

Watch the 60 second app explainer video for Sofitel guests

Watch the video

How it works for your property

Captivate guests every moment of their stay

83% of guests consider shopping an important part of their trip. 51% of luxury purchases made by millennials were made during travel.

Inspire their return with the platform that puts your destination safely in‑hand.

Personal shopping

Guests connect conversationally with your preferred in‑destination businesses through multimedia live-chat.

Destination engagement

Guests experience all your destination offers right on their phone throughout their booking journey and stay.

Personalized Experiences

Preferred vendors create personalized shopping and entertainment experiences for guests that maximize comfort.

Easy payment

Guests enjoy purchasing items right in live-chat on their phones, all thanks to you.

Give guests peace of mind knowing you go the extra mile, then create a new revenue stream for your hotel.

Get our Hospitality Revenue Guide and Calculator to see how helping your guests today can generate a brand new revenue stream for your property tomorrow.